Sustainability Packaging

Sustainable Packaging: Trending with Luxury Cosmetic Brands

Eco-conscious users are challenging businesses to incorporate greener packaging practices to help save the planet; and corporate boards are requiring increased sustainability procedures to boost sales. Then add new global standards and retail requirements, and there may be a perfect storm brewing in the beauty world.

The cosmetic industry has been a market leader in sustainability for many decades. They are continually striving to discover new sustainable solutions for the products and packaging they bring to market. A few notable companies, who are serious about utilizing green practices in their supply chain, are: Chanel, Coty and Dupont.

WintedBack in 2009, Chanel joined forces with Evea to produce sustainable solutions for eco‐packaging and sponsor eco-design software called Winted. Intended for the use of packaging companies, the goal of Winted was to help businesses implement eco-design practices and facilitate the development of more environmentally friendly solutions.

The software offers a technical approach on design, and a general view of results attained through innovations and packaging improvements. It helps better understand the origin of environmental impacts and presents areas of improvement. Also, the software is dynamite good; since it addresses eco-design issues throughout the whole development process. As an extra bonus, this tool is made available for free to the cosmetics industry, by Chanel.

COTYCoty takes the responsibility of being eco-friendly very seriously. They are dedicated to full compliance standards, with all environmental statutes and regulations applicable to their products. Coty strives to limit water and energy consumption, reduce emissions and raise the percentage of waste that is recycled, reused or recovered.

Over the past five years, Coty has increased the number of natural and organic materials, for its products and packaging, by 88%. They have also reduced their use of volatile compounds, by adopting processes that have a minor environmental impact. Likewise, as the demand for Coty products have grown, the company is consistent on maintaining progress in conserving energy, reducing pollution and minimizing the environmental impact of its activities.

Du PontDuPont is dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of its packaging resins—all without compromising packaging aesthetics and performance. Their high-performance resins help businesses and manufacturers fulfill the need for packaging to be strong and sustainable.

Dupont uses a variety of sustainable packaging options. Their Surlyn sealant resin provides excellent clarity, hot tack, heat seal and durability for packaging. DuPont Surlyn PC injection molding resin and unique Surlyn 3D overmolding technology, offer glass-like clarity and unmatched design for inflexible cosmetic jars. DuPont Surlyn blow molding resins provide high gloss, scratch resistance, pleasant touch, and squeezability to cosmetic bottles and transparency for lip gloss.

Green Marketing, Inc.Darrin C. Duber-Smith, president of Green Marketing, Inc., says, “Packaging is the most obvious form of waste in people’s eyes.” Green Marketing helps natural, organic and green products companies, prosper and become more sustainable by applying an adept process of marketing analysis and planning. Green Marketing’s goal is to help companies take part in saving our planet and educating consumers to partner with companies that care about being green.

So why not team up with Chanel, Coty and DuPont to reduce the waste—without compromising our luxury products? As consumers are growing in their need for sustainable products and packaging, businesses are looking at this as an opportunity to not only increase their bottom line, but also reduce their impact on the environment; while creating more efficient processes in their production line.

Lynda ChervilSustainable Packaging: Trending with Luxury Cosmetic Brands

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