Fool's Return Script

Screen Play for ‘Fool’s Return’ Revolutionizes Sustainability

We begin to establish diverse competence when we become self-aware of our world, emerging cultural trends and global issues. Whether it’s for human trafficking, civil rights or environmental sustainability, people from all walks of life are revolutionizing our Earth for the better.

These individual acts of courage can come from a variety of actions—grassroots movements erecting hydro-electric dams, environmentalists rallying together in town squares and teens uniting in school’s for the adoption of green programs are just a few cases of what many people are doing today to better impact our world for tomorrow.

What about the people that may not understand the basics of sustainability or the impact of eco-living on a global scale? Sure, we have green-friendly products more accessible today than ever; however, beyond the scale of products, we know in order to see BIG change in our world, we must adopt a greener lifestyle.

For some, maybe it’s never crossed their minds or maybe the idea of change seems too complex. But what if we could creatively educate people about sustainability?

As you may recall, I’m an author and environmental advocate. My first novel, Fool’s Return, was welcomed with outstanding praise from readers and critics alike. Currently, I’m working on the second installment of the book series, Project Odyssey; which is bound to engage and influence readers thinking about the future of technology, and the role alternative energy will play in the future. As a sustainability advocate, I seek to promote alternative energy—such as solar energy—by using creative fiction as a medium.

Fool's ReturnFool’s Return is a suspenseful fictional story of self-discovery, creation and hope. Likewise, it challenges readers on global issues like alternative energy, environmentalism and green technology; while keeping book lovers entertained with a complex and creative plot.

The novel follows Gabrielle Landrieu, a venture capitalist full of ambition, imagination and intellectualism. Frustrated in her present job and marriage, she decides to take a trip that unknowingly will change her life forever.

On this radical journey of discovery, Gabrielle overcomes huge obstacles that allow her to be a more independent woman. She learns to create happiness within herself, rather than being dependent on the externals of people or things. Gabrielle’s story is a transformation of life; but more importantly, a soul that has been set free from the shackles of a misery.

Like Gabrielle, I’m passionate about spreading awareness regarding the environment, alternative energy and the importance of being conscious about the future of our Earth. Similarly, through creative medium, like Fool’s Return, it’s my hope to capture the hearts of women across the globe who, like Gabrielle, are wrestling with many of the issues common today: juggling a marriage, children and a job, and empower them to not lose hope and gain real personal fulfillment.

As Good as it GetsAs a film captures the imagination through the work of creative fiction, it can transcend the essence of complex messages that have yet to resonate with larger audiences, and engage those who are naïve or apathetic of global issues. Films such as The King’s Speech educated us on George V’s speech disorder and how he coped with stuttering by using breathing techniques. As Good As It Gets opened our eyes to Jack Nicholson’s character, Melvin, as he struggled with an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

As we know, the above films have been vastly influential and captivating in spreading awareness of genetic disorders within the hearts of millions. But what about utilizing film to spread awareness of global sustainability?

It’s my hope to transform my first novel, Fool’s Return into a motion picture. Not only will the film be utilized to educate, but will also feature market-based solutions; which includes sustainable products and eco-friendly brands. If adopted by the masses, it can revolutionize our world in a big way by reducing carbon emissions from the two largest emitting sectors: electricity and automobile.

The first goal is to hire the renowned Screen Writing Guild- East (SWG) to write the screenplay. In order to secure professional screen writers, it will costs approximately $136,000 to cover the standard contract fee, additional transaction costs and legal fees. Afterwards, the screenplay will be marketed for film development.

With your support, together we can make this dream a reality by helping the world raise awareness of the dangers our current energy methods create, and the importance of innovating and spreading the use of alternative green energy. Will you partner with me and be the catalyst that drives change and inspires others to help achieve environmental sustainability?

indiegogoWith the help of crowd funding on Indiegogo, Fool’s Return can be the next big Hollywood movie and quite possibly set in motion a game changer—a historical sustainable movement.

To make a contribution CLICK HERE

Lynda ChervilScreen Play for ‘Fool’s Return’ Revolutionizes Sustainability

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