Global Warming

Global Warming: Paving the Way to a Loss of Resources and Worldwide Famine

Get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters–the worst may be yet to come. That’s the long-long-range weather forecast being given out by “climatologists;” the people who study long-term world weather trends.Do you remember a time when winters in the south actually felt cold? Or when summers felt warm without the interruption of cold fronts? Or what about climates that are growing so unbearably hot, you could cook a roast outside in the sun?

Why can’t Mother Nature make up her mind? This, my friend, is the direct influence of global warming on our planet.

Co2Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide, global-warming pollutants and other nasty gasses that rise up into the atmosphere, and wrap itself around the earth like a blanket; trapping heat and essentially smothering us.

Global warming is not only bad for the earth, animals and our food supply, but it’s detrimental to our health. This causes the spread of diseases (heat activates bacteria and germs) and causing illness, such as heat exhaustion and dehydration.

With all this heat, it appears our earth is baking like an overcooked Thanksgiving turkey, right? Well, most of this crazy weather shifting is our fault—human activity—and it has been progressively growing worse over the years. The odds are at least 95 percent that human activity is the cause of warming of the planet, since the 1950s, a United Nations panel of experts has concluded in a draft report leaked to Reuters and The New York Times.

smoke stacksWhat about the dark and heavy smoke pouring out of the smokestacks of factories, or the car exhaust sputtering out of the vehicle you just passed on the freeway? All this poison is steadily contributing to the greater issue—global warming.

Did you know the U.S. alone burns more than a billion tons of coal per year? As we continue to burn fossil fuels, through the use of traditional transportation versus walking, and burning unnecessary electricity instead of flipping the light switch off, or purchasing items created in a jo-shmo factory instead of being mindful of how goods are produced; we will continue to smother the life out of our planet.

What else is contributing to this global warming crisis?  What about the trash we collect from our homes, restaurants and businesses? All this waste is packing our landfills to the brim; which in return releases methane gas.

What’s the alternative? Think about it, every time you recycle you are saving our planet from harmful gases and heat exhaustion. Also, by recycling you are reducing the amount of trees that are cut down; which is needed to absorb all the carbon dioxide that is pumping into our earth.

To be fair, humans are not entirely to blame for this increasingly hot incubator or frigid arctic weather of the world. Conversely, there are some natural causes for global warming. For example, carbon dioxide is naturally released through the carbon cycle, which is released from our bodies as the waste of oxygen, and is released through animals and agricultural respiration. Moreover, methane is released from animal digestion and waste.

recyclingGlobal warming is a big deal. Especially when we, humans, are creating most of it and are still discovering many solutions to reduce it.  Why not do your part for the greater good of our planet? You can recycle, select goods and materials not produced in smoke factories, invest in a planet-friendly vehicle and there’s more you can do—just research it.  In our next blog, we will actually dive deeper into the murky waters of carbon dioxide and how to reduce its effects in our world. Stay tuned!

Lynda ChervilGlobal Warming: Paving the Way to a Loss of Resources and Worldwide Famine

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